How To Make Gizdodo | Fried Plantains & Gizzard | #Recipe9

How To Make Gizdodo | Fried Plantains & Gizzard | #Recipe9

Peppered Gizzards known as Gizdodo is a popular snack in Nigeria.  Gizdodo is a culinary combination of chicken gizzards and plantain stewed in peppered sauce. It is a delicacy that is served both as an appetizer or as part a main meal.  I always serve it with rice when I am not chewing it away as a side dish! Enjoy it with a glass of wine, beer or juice. It is simple to make and gizzards are unbelievably cheap. 1 kg of chicken gizzards costs less than 2 Euros even in Europe!


Ingredients for Peppered Gizzards (Gizdodo) ***

½ kg chicken gizzards

3 ripe plantains

2 habanero peppers

2 medium fresh tomatoes

1 Red bell pepper

1 green bell pepper (optional)

1 yellow bell pepper (optional)

2 medium onions

1 large bouillon cube(or 2 small ones)

Spices of choice

Salt (to taste)

Sunflower oil

2 tablespoons palm oil


How to prepare Peppered Gizzards (Gizdodo)

  • Wash and clean the chicken gizzards.
  • Add spices & salt to taste.***
  • Add water and 1sliced medium onion.
  • Boil in medium heat for about 20 minutes.
  • While gizzard is boiling, cut the plantain into small lumps.
  • Fry the plantains in vegetable oil till brown but not burnt!
  • Using the same oil, fry the boiled gizzards till dark brown.
  • Grind the fresh tomatoes, habanero peppers, 1 onion and 1 red bell pepper together.
  • (Optional) Chop the yellow and green bell peppers.
  • Add a bit of palm oil to the rest of the cooking oil (If you don’t have/like palm oil, use only the sunflower oil)
  • In medium heat, add the ground pepper mix and stir.
  • Add spices of choice and a large bouillon.***
  • Cover & reduce the heat to medium low. Cook for 10 minutes.
  • Add the fried gizzards. Stir & cover. Let it cook for 5 minutes.
  • Add the fried plantains and the chopped yellow & green bell peppers.
  • Stir, cover & let simmer in low heat for 10 minutes.
  • Voila! Your delicious Gizdodo is ready to eat!


***Instead of gizzards, you could also try with beef or chicken filets!

***Be careful with the quantity of seasoning/spices you add to the gizzards. They can easily get over seasoned and too salty because the meat does not absorb much of the ingredients.