Bobotie recipe

Bobotie recipe

Bobotie is a dish consisting of spiced minced meat baked with an egg-based topping. It is one of my most favourite African food. The first recipe for Bobotie is said to have appeared in a Dutch cookbook in 1609. This assertion is however unverified! What is sure is that it was adopted by the Cape Malay community in South Africa. The first time I tasted Bobotie (also spelt as Boboti), it was like I was in heaven. You could wake me up any time, any day with Bobotie!

Today I am showing you how I make my Bobotie; the natural way. It is an easy cuisine to make.

As per the stated aim of the Afropean Kitchen, this recipe is dedicated to Albert John Luthuli, the first African to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Read more about him by following this link.


250 grams minced meat

3 eggs

Some  breadcrumbs

400 ml. milk

One medium large onion

75 grams butter

50 grams green beans

½ carrot (optional)

1 apple

1 teaspoon turmeric

2 tablespoons lemon juice

2 tablespoons raisins

1 tablespoon chutney (optional)

Some black pepper (optional)

8 bay leaves

1 teaspoon curry

Salt to taste



Preheat the oven to 200 ºC.

Cut and slice the onion, carrot, green beans and apple. Boil the green beans in water for about 7 minutes to make them soft. Put 75 grams of butter in a medium high heated frying pan and add the onions. Stir for 2 minutes and add the minced meat. Stir until the minced meat is nicely brown. Put out the cooker.

Break an egg into a bowl, add milk and the breadcrumbs and mix together. Add the mix to the minced meat. Add salt, raisins, carrots, apple and the spices and mix all together. Squeeze in some lemon juice.  Add some bay leaves , chutney and mix! Pour the mix into an oven dish and spread evenly. Add 4 bay leaves on top.

Break 2 eggs into a bowl. Add milk, turmeric and mix them together. Pour and spread this evenly on top of the minced meat in the oven dish. Place the dish into the pre-heated oven and let it bake for 20 minutes. The top should be light brown.

Voila! Your yummy Bobotie is ready to be served! Serve with rice. Enjoy your meal!